Nevermore Stealthmax Electronics Kit

US$36.83 (incl. VAT Austria)

Upgrade to the Nevermore StealthMax and StealthMax S Basic kit to add the electronics needed for the “advanced” version.

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MATEK Micro BEC 6-30V
Nevermore Stealthmax Electronics Kit
US$36.83 (incl. VAT Austria)
We have 10 items left in stock.

Nevermore Stealthmax Electronics Kit

Upgrade to the Nevermore StealthMax and StealthMax S Basic kit to add the electronics needed for the “advanced” version.

  • 1x 43881120279 Raspberry Pi Pico W
  • 2x 66653120276 3in1 BME280 3.3V BMP280 5V Digital Barometric Pressure Altitude Sensor I2C/SPI
  • 2x 78233120273 TZT SGP40 SGP30 Air Quality Sensor
  • 1x 59163120262 MATEK Micro BEC 6-30V to 5V/9V Step-Down Regulator Module


Additional information

Weight0.09 kg
Dimensions6 × 5 × 4 cm


