Zodiac by E3D nozzles

Zodiac by E3D

New on OneTwo3D: Zodiac Nozzles by E3D

After its acquisition of the German/Austrian Zodiac 3D, E3D has now started to sell Zodiac nozzles through their own distribution channels (i.e. OneTwo3D :-))

Zodiac nozzles are targeting the premium 3D printer market and exist in two variations: CRB and Pro.

Zodiac CRB

CRB nozzles are designed with great wear resistance and reduced filament build-up on the nozzle. This means they can withstand extended use without showing significant signs of wear, and they are less prone to filament sticking or accumulating on the nozzle surface. CRB nozzles are rated to handle temperatures up to 300°C, making them suitable for a wide range of materials commonly used in 3D printing.

Zodiac Pro

Pro nozzles, as the name suggests, offer even higher wear resistance compared to CRB nozzles and are designed to withstand temperatures of up to 450°C, allowing for the printing of high-temperature materials that require elevated extrusion temperatures.

What has changed by E3D taking over Zodiac 3D?

After carefully assessing the existing range of Zodiac nozzles, E3D identified several areas for improvement. Specifically, they’ve worked on overall machining quality with a particular focus on nozzle concentricity and reducing the number of thread defects as well as paying careful attention to coating consistency. It’s fair to say these were minor improvements and with the naked eye you might struggle to notice a difference between old and new. These small improvements add up in terms of overall quality though, and as a new addition to the E3D product portfolio, they wanted to ensure the attention to detail was spot on.

More Info and Documentation

Documentation for Zodiac products is available on the E3D Help Centre.

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