Why should you be concerned about VOCs?
VOCs are SMALL. Small enough to directly activate our olfactory (smell) receptors, move from alveoli to blood and affect every organ/cell: Metabolically, they’re drugs.
VOCs are heterogenous – some are good, some are bad, some are neither. Some can be degraded, some accumulate. VOCs are case-by-case contaminants.
A safe ”VOC” level is impossible to determine – while regular household air should not exceed 400 ppb, regular household air doesn’t usually has the composition of molten plastics – a common VOC meter cannot differ between harmful and harmless VOCs: 4000 ppb of water vapor is harmless, 500 ppb of benzene is harmful.
And here comes Nevermore Scorch
Scorch works best at high temperatures
What’s in it and how does it work?

How to mix it?
- Below 35°C: 90% Carbon / 10% Scorch
- 40°C ± 5°C: 75% Carbon / 25% Scorch
- 50°C ± 5°C: 50% Carbon / 50% Scorch
- 60°C ± 5°C: 25% Carbon / 75% Scorch
- Above 65°C: 100% Scorch
Where to get it from?
Of course OneTwo3D has Scorch already 🙂
If you want to “try before buy”, or talk to the guy who came up with it, visit us on SMRRF this weekend and meet Anders or listen to his talk on Sunday.