FYSETC Super-light CNC Gantry for Voron Printers


High-precision CNC machined aluminium gantries for Voron 2.4, Trident, 0.1 and 0.2 printers. Reduce the moving mass of your gantry to increase your printing speed.

FYSETC Super-light CNC Gantry for Voron Printers

High-precision CNC machined aluminium gantries for Voron 2.4, Trident, 0.1 and 0.2 printers.

Colour: black

Reduce the moving mass of your gantry to increase your printing speed.

These gantries are designed to reduce the weight and keep so a maximum possible structural strength.

The two ends of each gantry are fully compatible with the standard 2020 (1515 for 0.1/0.2) extrusions design. The gantries already contain threaded holes to mount linear rails, so no need for additional T-nuts or nutbars.

Each gantry comes with 6 heat insets for printed fixing blocks.

The files for the printed gantry fixing blocks can be downloaded here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5671339

Weights for the FYSETC Super-light CNC Gantry for Voron Printers:
  • Voron 0.1/0.2: 16.1g
  • Voron 2.4/Trident 250mm: 25.3g
  • Voron 2.4/Trident 300mm: 28.3g
  • Voron 2.4/Trident 350mm: 31.7g


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0.1/0.2, 2.4/Trident (250mm), 2.4/Trident (300mm), 2.4/Trident (350mm)




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